If chronic gastritis is not controlled, it is really possible to turn into stomach cancer-the doctor teaches you to brake quickly

                        release date:2021-07-07
                        publisher:Wuzhou Medical
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                        Introduction:Healthy life, prevent trouble before it happens; regular screening and active treatment. Don't wait until you have symptoms and then "catch the Buddha's feet in a hurry".

                        Many friends ask me, will chronic gastritis evolve into gastric cancer?

                        Answer: Yes!As the saying goes: The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant colony. Almost all major diseases have progressed step by step from minor illnesses, and stomach cancer is no exception.
                        Therefore, we must pay attention to chronic gastritis.

                        Uncontrollable gastritis, beware of turning into stomach cancer

                        Recently, this view has been widely popular on the Internet: chronic superficial gastritis is not a disease and does not require treatment. I think this view is biased!


                        As the saying goes, "Ten stomach and nine diseases", indeed, the study found that: 

                        Almost all people will have mild or severe gastric disease, which manifests as varying degrees of chronic gastritis under a gastroscope.

                        If the gastroscopy report is chronic superficial gastritis, the biopsy pathology shows mild chronic inflammation, and the patient has no obvious discomfort .However, those who are positive for Helicobacter pylori still need eradication treatment; Other patients do not need special treatment, but still need to pay attention to the maintenance of the stomach to prevent the disease from getting worse. If the gastroscopy report is chronic superficial gastritis, the biopsy pathology shows mild chronic inflammation, but the patient has obvious epigastric discomfort, it can be diagnosed as: functional dyspepsia, which needs to be treated as functional dyspepsia. Although gastroscopy is chronic superficial gastritis, patients with moderate or severe chronic inflammation in biopsy pathology require appropriate treatment. As long as proper treatment and attention to dietary regulation, gastritis can be controlled.

                        The development process of gastric cancer

                        Most gastric cancer originates from intestinal metaplasia mucosa, called "intestinal gastric cancer", which is the main type of gastric cancer in my country. According to the "intestinal type" gastric cancer occurrence pattern proposed by Professor Correa,The evolution process of gastric cancer is normal gastric mucosa-superficial gastritis-atrophic gastritis-intestinal metaplasia-dysplasia-intestinal gastric cancer.


                        50% of people with chronic superficial gastritis will evolve into chronic atrophic gastritis, while 40% of people with chronic atrophic gastritis will evolve into intestinal metaplasia, and 8% of those with intestinal metaplasia Patients will evolve into dysplasia, and uncontrolled dysplasia may evolve into gastric cancer. Chronic atrophic gastritis with dysplasia is currently recognized as a precancerous lesion of gastric cancer.The risk of gastric cancer in patients with gastric mucosal dysplasia is significantly increased.

                        A 9-year continuous endoscopic follow-up study of patients with gastric mucosal dysplasia found that the cancer rate of patients with mild dysplasia was 2.27%, and the cancer rate of patients with severe dysplasia was 25.0%, which was moderately between the two. The difference between the subjects was statistically significant. A large-scale cohort study of patients diagnosed with gastric precancerous lesions (including atrophy, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia) for the first time in the Netherlands showed:

                        • The annual incidence of gastric cancer in patients with mild, moderate dysplasia and severe dysplasia within 5 years is 0.6% and 6%, respectively, and the severity of precancerous lesions is related to the prognosis of patients

                        • The relative risk of mild dysplasia cancer is 1.97

                        • The relative risks of moderate and severe dysplasia and cancer are 26 times and 132 times higher than those of the normal population, respectively

                        • Without intervention, 67% of patients with high-grade dysplasia will eventually develop into invasive cancer and die

                        The pathogenesis from gastritis to gastric cancer shows that gastric cancer does not "jump" from normal cells to cancer cells, but evolves step by step.We can control and intervene in time at any stage that is discovered before canceration, in order to block its progress to the greatest extent.

                        Incidence trend of gastric cancer

                        my country has a high incidence of gastric cancer and a high mortality rate. It is a veritable country with gastric cancer. In recent years, the incidence of gastric cancer in my country has the following characteristics:

                        1. Rejuvenation

                        In the past five years, the incidence of gastric cancer among young people aged 19 to 35 has doubled from 30 years ago. In addition to genetic factors, irregular diet, severe lack of sleep, and high work pressure are all important factors that cause the incidence of young people to rise.

                        2. The rate of men suffering from gastric cancer is much higher than that of women.It is about 2:1.

                        3. Low diagnosis rate of early gastric cancer

                        The detection rate of early gastric cancer in my country is less than 10% (currently estimated to have reached 20%-30%, no authoritative statistics), which is far lower than 70% in Japan and 55% in South Korea.

                        4. Low survival rate

                        According to a report from the National Cancer Research Office, the 5-year survival rate for gastric cancer in my country is only 27.4%.The 5-year survival rate of early gastric cancer can reach more than 90%.

                        Gastritis step on the brakes in time to effectively block the occurrence of gastric cancer

                        1. Gastroscope should be done every year

                        Most early gastric cancer has no obvious symptoms. As the disease progresses, symptoms such as fullness, discomfort or dull pain in the upper abdomen, acid reflux, belching, nausea, loss of appetite, and melena may gradually appear. These symptoms exist intermittently, and are not specific. They are similar to gastritis or gastric ulcer, and are easily ignored by patients. If gastric cancer does not pass gastroscopy, it is difficult to detect early, and the only way is to carry out gastroscopy screening.

                        Japan and South Korea are also countries with a high incidence of gastric cancer. Beginning in the 1980s, Japan and South Korea launched a nationwide gastroscopy-based "mandatory" screening, that is, the state stipulates that people over the age of 40 must undergo gastroscopy screening every year, otherwise countries suffering from gastric cancer will not be reimbursed. The insurance company lowered the reimbursement rate accordingly.

                        Currently, early gastric cancer in Japan and South Korea accounts for 70% and 55% of all gastric cancers, and the 5-year survival rate for gastric cancer is as high as 62.1% and 65.3%.

                        therefore,Regardless of whether you are in good health or already have stomach discomfort, for people over 40, gastroscopy should be done every year.

                        2. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori

                        The International Health Organization believes that Helicobacter pylori is a Class I carcinogen, and 90% of non-cardia gastric cancers are related to it. According to a large-scale epidemiological survey, eradication of Helicobacter pylori can reduce the incidence of gastric cancer by 39%; eradication before mucosal atrophy can prevent intestinal gastric cancer almost 100%. However, if gastric mucosal atrophy occurs and then eradicated, the incidence of gastric cancer is not significantly reduced.

                        Therefore, it is recommended to eradicate Helicobacter pylori early. At present, it is believed that the best eradication age is 18-40 years old, and eradication before the occurrence of gastric mucosal atrophy can benefit the most. The carbon 14 breath test is also the most commonly used method for clinical testing.

                        But even if you have atrophic gastritis, eradicating Helicobacter pylori can partly reverse the condition or prevent further aggravation of the condition. Statistics show that the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori among Chinese is as high as about 60%.In addition, Helicobacter pylori is transmitted orally, which is a family gathering phenomenon.

                        So people with bad stomach problems,Be sure to use a carbon-14 urea breath test to detect Helicobacter pylori to see if it needs to be sterilized! Family members who are positive for Helicobacter pylori should be checked for Helicobacter pylori even if they have no symptoms and eradicate it in time.

                        3. Change eating habits

                        Eating habits that are most susceptible to gastric cancer:

                        • High-salt diets, fried foods, preserved foods and smoked baked foods

                        • Smoking, drinking

                        • Eat less vegetables and fruits

                        • Avoid animal foods and legumes

                        • Do not drink milk, eat stale food

                        • Long-term storage of moldy food

                        • Overeating,

                        • I like to eat food that is too dry, too hard, or too hot,

                        • Eating too fast, irregular meals

                        These bad eating habits can also be the cause of gastric cancer. To prevent gastric cancer, these eating habits must be changed! Normally, we must pay attention to nourishing the stomach, not only for patients with stomach problems, but also for healthy people.

                        It’s easy to nourish the stomach:

                        Eat soft and easy-to-digest food, three meals regularly, regular and quantitative, eat 80% full, eat light taste, less spicy, low salt, low sugar, eat warm food, avoid hot, cold, avoid smoking, alcohol, and strong tea. Avoid irritating foods, avoid excessively rough foods, and be cheerful and less stressful.

                        4. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

                        Supplementing vitamin C by eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables has been included in the dietary guidelines for cancer prevention in many countries.
                        Epidemiological studies have found that residents in areas with a high incidence of gastric cancer generally lack vitamin C in their diets. Vitamin C can block the synthesis of nitroso compounds, the main pathogenic factor of gastric cancer, thereby playing a role in cancer prevention.

                        5. Controlling weight can also prevent stomach cancer

                        Weight control is not only beneficial for preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also for preventing cancer, especially stomach cancer. With the increase in obesity, more and more people are suffering from gastroesophageal reflux. The proximal end of the stomach is repeatedly stimulated by gastric acid from the reflux, and the risk of cancer is significantly increased.

                        6. Pay attention to family history of gastric cancer

                        For cancer, genetic factors are a very important part of many factors, which is genetic susceptibility. If there are patients with gastric cancer or other malignant tumors in the first, second, and third generations, early screening is required, and gastroscopy screening is performed 10 years earlier than the previous generation cancer patients.

                        Gastroscopy is recommended for those who meet the following high-risk factors

                        Age ≥40 years old, and meet any of the following:

                        • People in areas with a high incidence of gastric cancer;

                        • Hp infected persons;

                        • Previously suffering from precancerous gastric diseases such as chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric polyps, remnant stomach after surgery, hypertrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, etc.;

                        • First-degree relatives of gastric cancer patients;

                        • There are other risk factors for gastric cancer (such as high salt intake, salted diet, smoking, heavy drinking, etc.).

                        When these signals appear, it is often no longer early gastric cancer

                        Early gastric cancer often has no symptoms, or symptoms are not typical; once the following symptoms appear, a high degree of vigilance should be aroused, and relevant examinations including gastroscopy should be carried out immediately:

                        1. Obviously wasting, anemia

                        Anyone who is over forty years old and suffers from chronic stomach problems has a sudden loss of appetite, dislikes or even hates meat foods, vomiting or dark red food, poor nutrition, fatigue, sleepiness, and general weakness in a short period of time. , Obvious weight loss, pale complexion and other symptoms, and the effect of taking the previous drugs is not good, so be vigilant!

                        2. Continuous belching, hiccups, abdominal distension, loss of appetite and other indigestion symptoms, medication is invalid

                        It is manifested as a feeling of fullness after eating and actively restricting diet, often accompanied by repeated belching.

                        3. Black stool

                        Some foods will cause black stools, such as animal internal organs and blood; some drugs will also, such as bismuth agents, iron preparations, etc.;
                        If you have dark stools for no reason, such as tar or jam, you should go to the hospital for examination immediately.
                        This is often a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding or tumors.

                        4. Abdominal mass

                        Carcinoma grows to a certain extent, it can be felt in the upper abdomen, it is hard, and the surface is rough and not smooth;
                        The mass will increase rapidly, and the pressure will be painful;

                        5. Changes in the nature of pain

                        Regular pain is one of the characteristics of ulcer disease.
                        Stomach ulcer is a pain after eating a meal, and the pain appears half an hour to two hours after eating;
                        Duodenal ulcers are pains on an empty stomach, which appear three to four hours after eating, and will last until the next meal, and the food relieves or disappears; some patients may also experience pain in the middle of the night;
                        If gastric ulcer occurs in the pylorus of the stomach, the rhythm of the pain is similar to that of duodenal ulcer;
                        In case the nature and rhythm of the pain change, the pain suddenly aggravates or lessens, and the usual anti-ulcer drugs are ineffective, the malignant change must first be thought of! ! !

                        In short, remember to prevent gastric cancer:

                        Healthy life, prevent trouble before it happens; regular screening and active treatment. Don't wait until you have symptoms and then "catch the Buddha's feet in a hurry".

                        Keep your stomach healthy

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